All "Most Popular" Resources

We have compiled these resources to provide helpful, actionable information about Category: Most Popular.

We are available if you have questions or if you’re in need of a tutor.

Maintain Motivation and Secure Success

How can you avoid stagnation, the resulting lack of motivation, and falling short of your potential? By initially and consistently putting in the work to see consistent gains. With the SAT and ACT, ironically, the students who burn out from prep are typically those who do less prep. Why is

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Students can delete ACT scores for free at any time.

How to Delete ACT Scores

Wondering “Can I delete ACT scores?” The answer: Yes. You may have heard the conventional wisdom “Don’t take the SAT or ACT more than three times.”  That was then. This is now: Not only can you pick and choose which ACT test dates to report to colleges, but you can

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Competing for a Better SAT and ACT Score

Of the roughly 551,000 high school basketball players in the 2017-2018 school year, about .1% of them will end up being drafted into the NBA.¹  Of the roughly 2,000,000 high school students who took the ACT in 2017, similarly, about .1% of them achieved a perfect score.² Why make this

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Is All Education Meaningful?

In a prior post, I shared what I had learned about how to foster ambition (defined as the drive to excel and succeed). To achieve success, people need skill and knowledge. But the acquisition of skill and knowledge requires the desire to learn. In order to cultivate an appetite for learning,

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