The Advantages of Desmos on the SAT
Most students who master the dSAT’s Desmos calculator complete Math questions more quickly and accurately and get higher scores. Here’s what families need to know.
The GMAT exam is the most widely used exam for graduate business degree admissions and is used as an indicator of academic success in graduate business degree programs.
The GMAT exam is a globally recognized standardized test and allows you the opportunity to showcase your abilities and compete fairly against other candidates from varied professional and academic backgrounds.
The GMAT exam is a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT), which means you will receive a slightly harder next question if you answered the previous one correctly & vice versa.
Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)
Integrated Reasoning Section
Quantitative Section
Verbal Section
There are three possibilities for the order of the exam sections:
First Possible Order:
Second Possible Order:
Third Possible Order:
Most students who master the dSAT’s Desmos calculator complete Math questions more quickly and accurately and get higher scores. Here’s what families need to know.
The new ACT offers challenges (score variability) and opportunities (an optional science and more time per question). Here’s everything you need to know.
We all know education matters: it increases health, longevity, and income. And, with just common sense, we know that teacher quality matters: students learn more
We are experts at both in-person and online tutoring.
See what our students have to say
Molly and Neve talk about their experience at Summit Prep: