We typically find what is factual to seem reasonable. As such, because the social and natural science passages on the ACT Reading Section are always on non-fiction (factual) topics, we can use inference to get many of the questions correct. (Note the somewhat subtle difference between inference and assumption: the former uses evidence to make logical conclusions while the latter uses information to make unfounded leaps in judgment.) When we combine inference/reasoning with other ACT Reading strategies (such as defaulting to the main idea, seeing which answers actually answer the question, etc), we have some very powerful tools to increase our Reading score.
In the video below, I attempt to answer the questions to a reading passage by not reading the passage at all and only by reading the title of the passage, the questions, and the answers to the questions. Take a look at how many questions I (and you) can get correct (feel free to pause the video to try to answer the questions before I give the explanation, to go back-and-forth in the video, etc.). I hope you enjoy it. It should come as no surprise because I love this stuff: I enjoyed making it. 🙂