Marshmallows and SAT Scores
Always choosing what is easy makes for a very hard life. Practicing delayed gratification is almost inevitably more gratifying.
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Always choosing what is easy makes for a very hard life. Practicing delayed gratification is almost inevitably more gratifying.
More education leads to more wealth, longer life, and better health. While we explored some of the reasons for those positive effects of education in “Is All Education Meaningful?” and why education leads to better lives, there is a recent, fascinating study that sheds additional light on causal reasons why
As we approach summer, I am optimistic. A gradual return to normalcy. Travel. Beach. BBQ. The physical embrace of family members not seen for over a year. Lazy summer evenings by the fire pit. Relaxed weekend afternoons at a vineyard. The sunshine after a storm is more welcome than before
Success is much more easily achieved with the right tools. If you set your mind to it, you will be able to drive a nail into a block of wood without a hammer (you’ll get a rock, a crowbar, etc), but it will be immensely easier and faster to use
During these unprecedented times — when fears are heightened and the norm is anything but normal — it is difficult for any of us to be at our best. With multiple stressors related to Covid (mental health concerns, financial hardship, and the responsibilities of raising our children and often educating
For your long-term prosperity and that of your family, invest directly into yourself and your family. There are four primary ways to do so: