All "College Admissions" Resources

We have compiled these resources to provide helpful, actionable information about Category: College Admissions.

We are available if you have questions or if you’re in need of a tutor.

Should I Apply Early Decision?

Among the many changes to college admissions is the rise in the number of colleges offering Early Decision and the number of students utilizing it. As the November 1st (the early application deadline for most colleges) quickly approaches, some students are still wondering if they should apply Early Decision. Here

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First Full Application Cycle with ChatGPT

Within a few minutes, any student can have ChatGPT 4.0 produce a top 1% college application essay. (In)authentic Essays Given that the content of the essays is not fact-checked and now even the authenticity of the writing itself is suspect, why have colleges not changed their admissions procedures? The answer:

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