ChatGPT and College Essays
ChatGPT, the AI that can write college application essays, just changed the college admissions landscape forever. Here are the implications.
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ChatGPT, the AI that can write college application essays, just changed the college admissions landscape forever. Here are the implications. picked up on our “Top College Rankings in 2035” post and published our follow-up piece written for the National Test Prep Association. In case you’re interested, here it is! “Is College a Buy-and-Hold Investment?
Future college rankings influence the continued value of a degree. Which colleges are likely to rise in ranking and why?
There has been too much misinformation about this topic, so here’s a guide for what most students should do. Research First, Google a college’s median SAT or ACT score. That typically generates search results that provide the middle 50% of SAT or ACT scores for the college. See which range
Here are some strategies to help secure college scholarships to bring the price of college down.
Current sophomores need to plan their testing more strategically than students in most years. Why? Because in their junior year the SAT will be changing. Here is what to keep in mind in the year ahead.